Post by Jacelynne on Oct 1, 2009 18:07:17 GMT -5
I noticed Michael mentioned a PM bar, so I was thinking, if you have any suggestions on what we may need to help make the site a better ( and fun place) then PM me or post them here and I can get on them!
Post by Michael on Oct 1, 2009 19:09:48 GMT -5
I found a PM code, which is probably second-best in my opinion (The best is impossible to find, and I only found it once. ) Put this in the Global Header: <script> /* Top Pm Bar V2 Created by Nick This code is copyrighted 2008 by nbCircuits and http://toppmbarv2.proboards.com/ */ var fontSize = "2" var gname = "Guest" var get = document.getElementsByTagName("TD") get[2].style.display= "none" var guestMessage = '<font size='+fontSize+'><center>Welcome '+gname+', Please <a href=index.cgi?action=login>Login</a> or <a href=index.cgi?action=register>Register</a></center></font>' var pmNew = get[2].innerHTML.split(' are new')[0].split(',')[3] var memberMessage = '<font size='+fontSize+'><center>Welcome <a href="/index.cgi?action=viewprofile">'+pb_displayname+'</a>, You Have <a href="/index.cgi?action=pm">'+pmNew+' New Message(s)</a>.</center></font>' var pmBar = document.getElementsByTagName("table")[0].insertRow(0) var pmCell = pmBar.insertCell(0) pmCell.className="catbg" pmCell.innerHTML = memberMessage if(get[3].innerHTML.match(/Guest/i)){ pmCell.innerHTML = '<center>'+guestMessage+'</center>' } </script> The (var fontSize = "2") will adjust the font size. It's probably best to just leave it alone, unless you want big text. The (var gname = "Guest") will say what you call guests. For example, replacing "Guest" with "Newcomer" would make the PM bar say "Welcome, Newcomer. Please..." That's that. I also found a Live Preview code, which I think is a bit of a must-have. I put it in, just in case. Global footer <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- /* Live Preview - Global footer
Created by Peter
This code cannot be reposted at anywhere other than SSDesigns or ProBoards, without permission.
This header must stay intact at all times. */
var smileysObj = new Object();
var iRegSmileys = [ /\s:\)/g, /\s;\)/g, /\s:D/g, /\s;D/g, /\s>:\(/g, /\s:\(/g, /\s:o/g, /\s8\-\)/g, /\s\?\?\?/g, /\s::\)/g, /\s:P/g, /\s:-\[/g, /\s:\-X/g, /\s:\-\//g, /\s:\-\*/g, /\s:\'\(/g ];
var iRegUBBC = [ [/\[(\/)?(b|i|u|s|sup|sub)\]/gim, "<$1$2>"], [/\[(\/)?(hr|pre|blockquote)\]/gim, "<$1$2>"], [/\[(left|center|right)\]/gim, "<div align='$1'>"], [/\[\/(left|center|right)\]/gim, "</div>"], [/\[url=(http:\/\/)?(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/gim, "<a href=\"http://$2\">$3</a>"], [/\[url\]((\[\w+\])*)((http:\/\/)?(.*?)((\[\/\w+\])*))\[\/url\]/gim, "<a href=\"http://$5\">$1$4$6</a>"], [/\[email\]((\[\w+\])*)(.*?)((\[\/\w+\])*)\[\/email\]/gim, "<a href=\"mailto:$3\">$1$3$4</a>"], [/\[img\](.*?)\[\/img\]/gim, "<img src=\"$1\" border=\"0\" />"], [/\[size=(\d+)\]/gim, "<font size=\"$1\">"], [/\[\/size\]/gim, "</font>"], [/\[color=(\#[0-9A-F]{6}|[a-z]+)\]/gim, "<span style=\"color: $1;\">"], [/\[font=(.*?)\]/gim, "<span style=\"font-family: $1;\">"], [/\[\/(font|color)\]/gim, "</span>"], [/\[table\]/gim, "<table border='1'>"], [/\[(\/table|\/?tr|\/?td)\]/gim, "<$1>"], [/\[quote\]/gim, '<br /><b>Quote:</b><table class="bordercolor" cellspacing="1" width="90%"><tr><td width="100%"><table class="quote" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr><td width="100%"><font class="quote" face="Arial,Helvetica" size="1">'], [/\[\/quote\]/gim, "</font></td></tr></table></td></tr></table>"], [/\[list\]/gim, "<ul><br />"], [/\[\/list]/gim, "</ul>"], [/\[\*\]/gim, "<li>"], [/\[\/*\]/gim, "<br /></li>"], [/\[code\]/gim, '<blockquote><b>Code:</b><table class="bordercolor" cellspacing="1" width="90%"><tr><td><table class="code" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr><td><font class="code" face="Courier New" size="2">'], [/\[\/code\]/gim, "</font></td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table></blockquote>"] ];
String.prototype.htmlentities = function(){ var iTemp = this;
if(this){ for(m = 0; m < this.length; m ++){ switch(this.charCodeAt(m)){ case 60 : iTemp = iTemp.replace(this.charAt(m), "<"); break; case 62 : iTemp = iTemp.replace(this.charAt(m), ">"); break; } } } return iTemp.replace(/\n/g, "<br />"); }
String.prototype.str_replace = function(){ var pDiv = document.getElementById("livepreview"); if(this && arguments.length == 2){ if(new RegExp(arguments[0]).exec(this)){ pDiv.innerHTML = this.replace(arguments[0], arguments[1]); } } }
String.prototype.parse = function(){ var pDiv = document.getElementById("livepreview"); var noUBBCRe = /\[noubbc\](.*?)\[\/noubbc\]/gim;
if(this.match(noUBBCRe)){ var inPat = RegExp.$1.replace(/\]/g, "<font>]</font>"); pDiv.innerHTML = pDiv.innerHTML.replace(noUBBCRe, inPat); }
for(s = 0; s < iRegSmileys.length; s ++){ if(new RegExp(iRegSmileys[s]).test(this)){ pDiv.innerHTML = pDiv.innerHTML.replace(new RegExp(iRegSmileys[s]), ' <img src="' + smileysObj.has[s][0] + '" border="0" />'); } }
for(r = 0; r < iRegUBBC.length; r ++){ if(iRegUBBC[r][0].test(this)){ pDiv.innerHTML.str_replace(iRegUBBC[r][0], iRegUBBC[r][1]); } } }
function grabSmileys(obj){ if(obj){ var smileys = []; var iImg = obj.getElementsByTagName("img");
for(i = 0; i < iImg.length; i ++){ if(iImg.item(i).parentNode.href){ if(iImg.item(i).parentNode.href.match(/add\("%20(.*?)"\)/i)){ smileys.push([iImg.item(i).src, RegExp.$1]); } } } smileysObj.has = smileys; } }
function doLiveRow(){ var iFont = document.createElement("font"); var iPTxt = document.createTextNode("Live Preview:"); var iCell = document.getElementsByTagName("td");
iFont.size = "2"; iFont.appendChild(iPTxt);
for(c = 0; c < iCell.length; c ++){ if(iCell.item(c).className == "windowbg2" && iCell.item(c).width == "30%" && iCell.item(c).innerHTML.match(/Add Smilies:/)){ grabSmileys(iCell.item(c + 1)); var rowNum = (iCell.item(c).parentNode.rowIndex + 1); var nRow = iCell.item(c).parentNode.parentNode.insertRow(rowNum); var nCell = nRow.insertCell(0); nCell.className = "windowbg2"; nCell.appendChild(iFont); nCell = nRow.insertCell(1); nCell.className = "windowbg2"; nCell.id = "livepreview"; } } }
function livePreview(){ var pDiv = document.getElementById("livepreview");
pDiv.innerHTML = document.postForm.message.value.htmlentities(); pDiv.innerHTML.parse(); pDiv.innerHTML.parse(); // IE fix }
if(document.postForm && document.postForm.message){ doLiveRow(); document.postForm.message.onkeyup = livePreview; document.postForm.message.onfocus = livePreview; }
//--> </script> There's nothing to edit. Just a side note, by the way, it apparently tends to lag a little bit when the post gets REALLY big, although that's never happened to me. Just let me know if you need anything else!
Post by Jacelynne on Oct 2, 2009 11:45:34 GMT -5
Thanks Michael!